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Roof Cleaning and Moss Removal

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Eco-Friendly Roof Cleaning

Save Money

Eco-friendly roof cleaning is a more affordable option than traditional roof cleaning methods.

Reduce Environmental Impact

Eco-friendly roof cleaning uses safe, non-toxic chemicals that are better for the environment.

Keep Your Roof Looking Its Best

Eco-friendly roof cleaning will remove all the dirt, grime, and moss from your roof, leaving it looking like new.

Increase Your Roof's Lifespan

Regular cleaning with eco-friendly products can help to extend the life

Our Moss and Stain Removal Process

Our moss and stain removal process is easy and safe for our technicians and your roof alike. Moss Busters technicians apply a proprietary eco-friendly sterilization solution to the roof without scraping or walking on it.

We use a safe soft washing system while carefully avoiding any over-spray. The active ingredients within the solution work continuously to stop moss growth and eliminate stains.

After the solution is applied, moss softens and shrinks. It gradually slides down the roof and is carried into the gutter, eventually making its way down the drain. Because moss no longer has the same mass, it is readily transportable and drainable by rainwater passing through the downspout.

Our moss and stain removal treatment works with each rainfall and although this process is gradual, we guarantee it will be well worth the wait.

Types of Roofs We Clean

Asphalt Shingles

Concrete Tile

Cedar Shake

Flat Roof

Tar & Gravel

Causes Of Moss, Algae And Lichen Growth

Moss, algae, and lichen can grow on roofs for a variety of reasons. One of the most common reasons is poor ventilation. If there's not enough airflow on your roof, the moisture will stay stagnant, which can lead to moss, algae, and lichen growth. Other causes can include:

  • Direct sunlight
  • Poor drainage
  • Damaged or missing shingles
  • Accumulation of leaves and other debris

If you're concerned about moss, algae, or lichen growth on your roof, contact our team at Moss Busters. We offer an eco-friendly roof cleaning service that will remove all the dirt, grime, and moss from your roof, leaving it looking new.

Schedule Your FREE Quote

Why You Should Remove Moss, Algae, & Lichen?

The lifespan of a roof is shortened when moss, algae and lichen are present.

Even a thin layer of moss on top of roof shingles can gradually expand and become wide, thick, and mat-like which causes the seams and the shingles’ edges to be raised up.

Once the moss is a thick mat, it becomes a sponge that soaks up and retains all moisture. This leads to rot which eventually leads to further decay of the roof.


  • What are the benefits of eco-friendly roof cleaning?

    Eco-friendly roof cleaning has many benefits, including being more affordable than traditional and it does not damage your roof.

  • How often should I have my roof cleaned?

    It is recommended to have your roof cleaned every two years. However, if you live in an area with a lot of trees, you may need to have it cleaned more often.

  • Is the moss on my roof harmful?

    Moss can cause a lot of problems for roofs, including damage and leaks. That's why it's important to remove it as soon as possible.

  • Is bleach or vinegar good to remove moss?

    No, bleach and vinegar are not good for removing moss. In fact, they can damage your roof.

  • What is the best time of year to clean my roof?

    The best time of year to clean your roof is in the spring or fall. This is because the weather is not too hot or cold, which can damage your roof.

  • Does moss removal help improve my property value?

    Yes, moss removal can help improve your property value by making it look more appealing. It can also help to extend the life of your roof.

  • How much does eco-friendly roof cleaning cost?

    The cost of eco-friendly roof cleaning will vary depending on the size of your roof and the severity of the moss growth.

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